Love is more than just holding hands
I like it when you get jealous and angry,
Or when you nod your head when I say something,
Pretending to get me even when you don't.
I like it when you act all cute,
Being someone else with me,
That no one knows.
I smile when you say what you feel for me,
But I can't say anything because I get too scared.
I like when you share your record collection with me,
Even if I have to google the names up,
You have your DVD shelved,
Would you think less of me if you know that I don't alphabetized mine,
Can you still keep that smile,
Even after I criticized the movie you like,
Or get carried away with the one I love
Can you sleep peaceful at night
When I grind my teeth so loud
And you need the rest more than you need me.
If I wear a short dress,
That makes me have another pair of cheeks to powder,
Will you still hold my hand proudly,
Even as the guys see more than they can imagine.
Can you still kiss me if I make a bad joke,
Will you let me use Chappele and Seinfeld as a reference,
To life greatest topics
There are things you need to know about me
I’m weak right now, so weak right now
I need proof before I dare to open this heart
And I play tough because I get scared to need someone
Will you let me watch porn,
While I have you inside me,
Can you just say yes, when I get turned on,
Even if we are eating at McDonalds.
Can you let me be myself,
And not spit while I'm next to you,
Can we not live in together
Because I don't want you around me all the time
Can you always be truthful to me,
Can you not compete with my past,
Do you still keep a picture of her?
If I say I don't love you back,
Can you please keep fighting for my affection,
Can you hold me tonight?
And if I fall, just catch me.
Melt my heart to Stone
When U Wanna Run, It Takes You For A Stroll

For me, I want to blame it on being my star sign, but then I get fickle on whether it's the star sign or freewill.
My point is, the more I know I shouldn't be out, the more I wanted to just go. Popped up about 4 different pain killers, put on a dress, let my bruise make its mark on my arm, and drove myself down to Zouk.
I have never really liked the fact being in Zouk. Memories I have of it, that stuck in my head was when I was 23, and a 19 year old boy said expressionless, "Oh, so you are a veteran," Damn. No one likes feeling old huh?
Then, being persuaded to go and nothing better to do, I thought, what the heck. If I wanna leave later, I could just go.
But the mixture of the pain killers and the night, just made it all right. It was my first time in Phuture, Zouk on it Flava night. And even in the VIP section it was packed as hell.... you wish you could just slain yourself, so people would make space.
What.. i actually don't have a point here. Have I ever had one?
Rollo T
Be envious of those who drinks -they know what to blame on!

Mae West
When I first decided to go for the trip, in my mind, brace yourself, intoxicate, and just make the best out of it. Never in my wildest dream thought it would be what it was.
If I could create an award, that trip would definitely hands down get an accolade for such fun! The girls that I was with was just simply amazing. Tiger lily.. wish I had more time there with your entourage!
Koh Phi Phi, despite having the BURGER RAMLEE costing RM10 for a burger without cheese and the fact that plastic doesn't apply, I fell in love with it! The wild nights, the SINGHA, SORAYA (the most amazing Thai bartender), and oh those hot divers at that lil shop!
Apache bar.. we couldn't keep away from it.. even for a night. All those random boys on the street.. we couldn't keep away as well. ;) And we cannot keep ourselves away from those buckets as well!
But as all rules of trip goes.... What happens there, stays there.
And even as I leave the lil island to head home, I met two incredible, hot boys to keep me entertained till I reach Krabi.
To sum it... one hell of unexpected experience!
Rollo T
Kudos to the organizer, for making it such a memorable trip for all of us. We had one hell of a time, brazzing our already tanned self at the beach, looking at hot bods, counting numbers of people that peed at the beach, and getting ourselves over the normal limit of tolerance level! Without u at the trip, you know it wouldn't come close to even being fun.
Over the months
Rock the World

God knows whether this rock the world has reached a double digit. Who could keep track?
After working hours, I hit traffic and head down to Air Asia.
With much intoxication from the CNY luncheon, I was still gi
ggly even when I checked in my bags or even when I drove to the airport.
Upon arriving, me and m
y Party Boy, couldn’t wait to get our hands on the duty free vices.
Next morning, a cold one is just the right cure for it.
And by night, I was back in
KL wishing I was still in Langkawi grooving to the sounds of Pure Vibe!
What can I say...
Upon heading there, I was like a kid in a candy store.. the two words any KB would like to hear.. was being conceptualize.. DUTY FREE....
By noon, we were knocked out silly by coconut flavoured delish and that mix of pineapple.
As the dawn hits.. then we get the cold feet. We are playing paintball after 2 years of being away and lacking the proper training that was used to be drilled upon us by our previous mentors and coaches.
But all in, we didn't do quite bad I guess, for someone who just formed a team a day before. Luck was on our side, and the LUXE markers made it all good and right.
By night fall, at the players party, all rules are thrown at before we entered the "DISKO". We stuck on our intoxicated smiles, KL style, and partied the roof down to god knows what era of a song!
We are missing the labuan hospitality and those school kids by the time we reach back to the office to work that Monday!
You know, its wrong, when u wake up, and you don't remember, where you are and you had to check if you had your clothes on....
Someone once said
Bangkok smells of sex, but this aroma is mingled with the sharper whiffs of sex and money. To me... it just reeked the smell of hangovers, and sleazy bars...
Rollo T on things that have been going on since the New Year
25 Random Fun Facts about Rollo T.
I actually had this up on facebook note. But I just want to keep this here.
- Joshie: My once-use-to be-white teddy that I sleep with that can disgust any guy who ever had a sleepover at my place. It was a gift from my friends (eleen, srie, sue + the rest) on my 19th birthday. I still sleep and hug it every night.
- I miss those who I had loved before, but I know I can never be with them. The kind of thing that just kills you inside.
- I would live the country in a heartbeat – but when I can, I make reasons not to. Don’t even try to figure me out!
- I grind my teeth when I sleep. I can’t replicate the sound when I am awake. When I get really tired it gets even worse. For those who had to endure it, I pity all of u.
- I don’t eat barbeque-d chicken. I don’t know why, I just don’t like it. I would always stick to chicken sausages
- I always am the luckiest person in an unlucky situation (Aref – you were the one who made me realize this!)
- Movies are a sacred thing to me. Taking a guy to the cinema to watch a movie on a date is like meeting the parents for me. I would only do that, once I know I am crazy about the person enough. Only if I were crazy about him that even if he thought a movie like 30 days of night is cool, I would still kiss him afterwards.
- When my mom was pregnant with me, she thought I was a boy. A few scanners confirmed that I was a boy. She called me Amin, when I was resting in her tummy. Only moments before labour she found out that I am actually a girl. At least that’s the story she told me. Well, at least that explains my un lady-like behaviour.
- I am cynic, and yet I am a hopeless romantic. I am a walking contradiction.
- I hate making decisions. Sometimes, I can’t even decide whether I am hungry. I try to rationalize too much before making decision.
- I attract mentally unstable people. See my facebook profile - I am an insane magnet. Psychotic men tend to feel at home with me. But then again, a close friend once said that, the men I have loved and been with are normal people until they be with me (Yes Fendi, u were the one who said it, I can always count on u to come up with ways to give me a dose painful realization). Go figure.
- Nik Justin is the first person that calls me by the name Tits. Somehow, over the years, and typo errors the name kind of got stuck on me.
- I am allergic to seafood (– but I think it’s just psychological). When I had the attack, I was still a kid. And I refuse to touch prawns and crabs even now that I am all grown up.
- I am vengeful by nature, but since I am forgetful, I forget the plot of my revenge, who or why I wanted to get even with.
- I should not be in charge in taking care of any living thing. I had 2 hamsters when I with my ex, but after the break up, he gave the custody of it to me. BIG MISTAKE. I forgot to feed it for days. The next thing I know, one hamster lost its head. When the survivor died, it even buried itself.
- I don’t think I have ever been on a real date. Have I? What constitute a real date anyway?
- I get easily distracted. So, if my eyes wonder off when I am talking to u, or I zone off while u are talking, it’s not U- I just have problem focusing. If you ask me I’ll come up with some cock and bull story that I am diagnosed with A.D.D but I am allergic to Ritalin.
- I tend to repeat the same story to several different people over and over again like a parrot. It’s pathetic!
- When I get emotional and my mind is not in an advisable condition (although I’m never really in the right state of mind) I like to drive around alone, handphone’s off, windows down, cigarettes in between my fingers with the sounds of Maria Mena, Fiona Apple, Koko Kaina, Ling Kai, Racheal Yamagata (and the list goes on) to soothe me. Depressing songs soothes me. Again, don’t ask.
- No matter what, I love my Mickey Dees and my Malrboro’s. Don’t try to separate us. Don’t even try.
- There’s nothing bad or terrible that u could say/call/ or name me that have never been said to me before from the people that I have loved before. It’s a curse, but I think I am addicted to the drama and the emotional abuse.
- I love attention, compliments and public display affection. Although I try to play it cool most of the time. But then again, I don’t react to compliments very well.
- I love my family. And I believe absence makes the heart grow fonder, that’s why I am rarely home.
- I hate being predictable. I hate routine. I love doing stupid things that can get me in trouble, though I think age have made me more responsible (yeah right).
- I always manage to screw things up and piss off anybody and everyone who ever or still cares for me unintentionally. Don’t ask me how. It’s a natural talent that I don’t wish to possess.
Fairytales are for the meek fools
Once, upon a time there was a girl....
She was just a f***ed up girl looking for her own piece of mind, she’s not perfect. She had years of people telling her that.
He was everything that she never knew she wanted. They never planned to be where they were, but it happened. Fate dealt them a card they weren’t ready to play. Both of them plunged it whole-heartedly; it was beautiful how they started. To be in love, to be in that perpetual state of anesthesia.
The commonality that they have is that they both recognize reality of their situation that it could never be. But the fact they are both as self absorbed as one another, helps keeping them together. It wasn’t that they were right for each other, they were just not right for anyone else. Therefore, no one but them could comprehend what they feel.
He drags her kicking and screaming, through fast dreams and knows exactly what she means. She feeds him with rubber bands for him to stretch till she can see his frustrations on the boils, and yet she doesn’t know when to quit. Soon enough, her reflections through his eyes were not something she dared to look. She knows she had broke whatever it is she thought she had.
Nothing last forever. He began looking for all her flaws. Their battles become repetitious, and soon enough she realized that she was apologizing for what was no longer her mistake, her past choices that she was never sorry for. It was a broken poetry, a chapter she once played.
She said, “I fell in love. Not in a misplaced affection, puppy-dog way, although I'm sure that's what you would call it. You are the epitome of everything I have ever looked for in another human being. I love you, very simple, very truly. I’ve never felt this way before, and I don’t care. I do not doubt that I am in love with you. I’m not with you because of what family, society, life tried to instill in me from day one. I grew up never having any f**king example of male- female relationship and I got hurt in past so many times until one cut herself from finding anyone. So I’ve been around – and I don’t fucking regret it, some were good and some were bad – and then I come across you. How seldom it is that you meet that one person who just gets you- its so rare. So here we are. I was thorough when I looked for you. And I feel justified lying in your arms, 'cause I got here on my own terms, and I have no question there was some place I didn't look – because I’ve been in different arms- and I choose you. And for me that makes all the difference. “ She said it all, although it was too late, although he wasn’t even listening to a single word she said. To him none of this makes sense. He felt small, insignificant and emasculated. He thinks he’ll never be on her level – never be enough for her or something. What he didn’t get was that she didn’t care. She wasn’t looking for “THAT GUY”; he was all that she was looking for.
He kept digging, and soon created fictional stories and characters that seem so real. So, her fairytale turned into the same old story that she had been in, and but now the cast of the leading man has changed. She knew the ending, but she fought with all she knew how. He found the reason to justify everything; he found the perfect story that would be worse than anything anyone could ever do. He kept himself blinded to hide all that he fears, all that he has done. He disillusioned himself with things beyond belief. He jumped on conclusions and landed on her chest as he yelled out obscenities to her.
She gave all to him without question, and yet he still wanted to steal every bit of it. She has been misjudged and misinterpreted her whole life, so this shouldn’t really hurt. All that he wanted to say has been said before. All he ever wanted to do has been done before, maybe even worse. It shouldn’t have wounded her, but it did.
She had nothing left to lose. And all that he had to show was some foolish pride that gave way to regret.
February 2007
Rollo T.